Issued by The National Weather Service
State College, PA
Thu, Feb 24, 2011, 12:00 AM EST
Blah, Blah, Blah…
Don’t get me wrong, I do take storm warnings and watches seriously. The plow is already on the truck, my fire pager is on, and the greenhouses have been inspected and buttoned up. I think other than being tired of winter, we are ready for this next round of snow that Mother Nature is throwing our way.
The few warm days have really got my spring fever flared up. With a foot of snow on the ground and another 6-10 inches on the way, all hope is not lost. Some people wait for the arrival of Turdus migratorius, the American Robin, to signal that spring is almost here. I have a much better way to predict springs that springs on it way. This morning on my way to work, I past a dead skunk in the road. Hey, don’t judge me, you have your ways, I have mine.
On a serious note, spring is almost here. I am going to use this last blast of winter to finish up my seed and plant orders and get ready for the busy planting season ahead. If my skunk forecasting is wrong and winter stretches on a bit longer, I think a new puppy that got here last week and a new baby that will be here in a few more weeks, will keep me plenty busy.
PS… While I was typing this up I got up to let the dog out. I tackled him before he got off the porch. He was going after a skunk.
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